How to perform Tarot readings online

tarot sign

I’ve recently started offering tarot readings on fiverr. The experience has been uplifting, and I’ve been able to help a number of people so far. It’s very different from offering readings in person, and there are certain pros and cons of distance reading. You’re unable to discuss the reading as it’s taking place, and can only offer the final product. I quite enjoy this aspect, you can stay focused on the initial query and there is no distraction from further questions. You also perform a purer reading, untainted by unconscious hints and body language the querent offers. You can have a look at the fiverr page here.

How I perform an online tarot reading

Getting an order

As soon as somebody orders though the gig page on fiverr, I get an email. I reply as soon as possible  to say that I have received the request, and to give a rough timeframe. Fiverr allows extras, so if the querent has selected 1-day Delivery, I will make that reading my priority. Once this reply is set, I try to find a good period of time in the day I can dedicate to the reading.

Performing the reading

Finding time to fit readings in can be tough, but so far I have managed every reading on time. It is so much more than shuffling, dealing cards, laying them out, then typing up the reading. I like to get into a good receptive mental state before performing the reading, and I always perform readings when I am alone. Usually, the readings are simple, one or two cards, as described on the gig page. I perform my readings while sitting on the floor, though this is mainly because I do not have a table! Once the cards are dealt, I simply look at them. Intuition and knowledge of tarot cards plays it’s part here. Once the cards are dealt, an image will start to form. At this stage, I’ll start typing up the report.

Clearing and editing and presenting

Once the report is typed up, I’ll leave it for an hour or so, and then come back to it. The reading is still in my mind, even after it has been performed, and sometimes taking a step back to observe the situation can help you see things from a new angle. At this stage, I’ll edit the report and review it, as an editor would review a book. The reports I type follow a set pattern, shown below in a censored, but actual report.

tarot card report

First I greet the querent, and then get started with the reading. I like to jump straight in. I make it clean I know their question, and then type how each card I draw relates to it. One thing I like to add, are missing cards or suits (if many cards are drawn). At the end, I summarise the reading into actionable steps for the querent. I like to give a sense of closure to the question.

Delivering the report and followups

I send the typed up and formatted report as an image or PDF file. It’s as simple as that. For once, the technological part of something is the easiest! I like to be open to communication afetrwards and I’m always happy to discuss the reading afterwards.

Should you perform online tarot readings?

It’s really up to you. If you have a tight schedule like I do, then it’s a very good idea. You can still practice tarotology for real people, on your own time. I’ve found it to be just as good as a face to face reading, and my feedback so far has been very positive!




Charging for Tarot Readings, and an exclusive offer!



You may not know already, it hasn’t yet been advertised, but Tarot-Explained now offer Tarot readings, through fiverr. It’s taken a long time for us to get to this stage, and there has been a lot to consider. We started offering free readings through the website, and the response was staggering. Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone who submitted a request through. It helped me grow as a reader and I hope I helped you too. Changing from free to paid was a step, but necessary. The funds raised go towards the website maintenance and hosting, and in future will be used to better expand Tarot-Explained into an even better resource.

The journey from reference website to paid readings was long, almost three years, and some lessons were learned! This article might help you out if you’re an experienced reader just looking to start reading for others, and wondering if you should get paid. The answer is, broadly speaking, yes. Consider the following if you are looking to charge for your tarot readings:

It’s a service

You’re providing a service for others, which they have requested. You know you are offering value to them, and you should be compensated somehow. It’s fun to do tarot as a favour for friends or family, but you can really help others out with your skills and intuition. It may not seem like a big deal to some, but performing a tarot reading is a lot of work. When I perform a reading through fiverr, I spent anywhere from an hour onward getting into the correct mental state, and typing up and presenting the reading to the querent. This is a lot of effort for five dollars!


How good are you?

You should consider your skill level with tarot. How good do you think you are, how accurate have you been in the past? Have you had any big mistakes? A good test, is to see if you would pay for a reading from yourself. Would you? Are you value for money? Are you enhancing others lives through tarot? If so, then you should consider charging for your readings.


How much to charge?

This all depends on your style, analysis and spread that you use. On fiverr, we only offer a single card question, or three questions if the user upgrades. Bear in mind that  these can take over an hour each. Are you comfortable earning under minimum wage for a reading? I am, because the money goes to help the website. If you’re looking to live off your readings, you should work out expenses and charge much more. I perform these readings simply to cover cost.


How to present a reading?

Currently, we offer a reading in a written document. A stylised page, typed up after the reading has taken place. You can take this one step further by performing face to face, over Skype, during a phone call, or a recorded video. All of these will affect your pricing. Consider charging for your next tarot reading, even if it is as little as one dollar, or for a favour. They are asking, and you are giving. It makes sense to balance the equation out. If you’re interested in getting a reading from Tarot-Explained, then by all means follow the link below and you will hear from me very soon!


Exclusive offer for readers of this post!

Receive a two-card reading for the price of only one. Simply ask two questions, and I will consult the tarot for your answers. You will receive a formatted PDF document with the results of the reading, potentially including things to be aware of, dangers to look out for and how to face the future with certainty. This offer is only available for the next thirty days, follow the ‘order now’ button to submit a request.